Monday, November 14, 2011

The new tone of the blog

For the first year that I wrote this blog, Helena couldn't talk.  Yes, she could opine, respond, look at me with questions and love and anger... but when it came to talking, communications were a one-way street.  And what she really loved was hearing my voice.  Talking about philosophy was a great way to keep that voice going, to keep her interested, hearing English, looking into my eyes.

Truth is, though, that now that Helena is talking and walking, she has made it clear that she'd rather hear stories, sing songs (well, she contributes a word or two, and then expects me and Rita to continue the song, but she makes it clear what she wants), and to play word games of repetition and made up sounds.  It's great fun, and just as intellectually challenging as talking about Lacan or Kristeva... but it doesn't make for great blogging.  It's more a kind of Dada and Surrealism parenting, which, as we all know, may be fun art to produce, but which, unless it is as great as Magritte or Duchamps, can be painful to see.  I haven't wanted to put anyone through a repetition of those conversations.

For the next couple of months, I'm going to try something new: not narrating the content of my conversations with Helena, but trying to relate what I think is going on in her head, to try to use intellectual tools to try to understand her growing perspective on the world.  Clearly, I'll be projecting my ideas on her, based on the small evidence she can provide with her vocabulary.  None the less, it should be an interesting experiment.

Please let me know what you think, so I can make these blogs interesting to more people than just me.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to the new blogs and imagining her thinking.
