Kurt, the Chinese internet filters have blocked your blog and your mom (and me) are eager to see your latest postings. Perhaps you could cut and paste them to an email.Though I sometimes felt that my phone had a strange echo in the Bush administration, this is the first time I've ever been important enough to censor. Very flattering. I wonder what these innocuous ramblings about babies might be doing to destabilize the Chinese state? (I remember meeting an old leftist when I was in my early teens, who crowed about finding his name on Nixon's enemies list. We take some of our importance from who seems to hate us...)

Though one can blame this on communism, it's actually a long Chinese tradition. François Julien's work, for instance, shows the way that the imperial bureaucracy did an excellent job of co-opting any independent thinker, simply by paying more for working in the tax office than they could get doing anything else. But the basic premise of this blog is that thinking (and, by extension, what we teach children) has exactly the opposite role: to challenge, to think about new goals, to become an autonomous person.
Is that why the Chinese censor this insignificant blog? Probably not. I probably just used a prohibited word at some point. But I'd like to think that these little talks with Helena Iara are, in some little way, subversive.

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